All Access Malibu Offices Are Back In Operation ... So Many Reasons To Be Thankful


Thankful To Still Be Here

Dear ALL ACCESS readers ...

As we head into the long THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY weekend, I am thrilled to report that ALL ACCESS is now back to 100% following more than a week of evacuation and power interruptions.

We are all very thankful for your continued support throughout the year, but especially during this time when the WOOLSEY FIRE threatened our operations and offices over the past week. The hillsides in our office parking lot were badly scorched, and an office building just next door was consumed by this destructive fire. Just by luck that the ALL ACCESS offices didn't meet the same sad fate as so many businesses and homes did, including mine.

My deepest personal thanks to everyone for their concern about my personal situation -- I am most happy and thankful to report that KYM and I have found a home to rent and will rebuild our house.

During the evacuation, your emails, texts, postings, and calls have gone a long way toward keeping me and everyone at ALL ACCESS feeling positive and focused on what's most important, you -- our readers and clients!

On behalf of everyone at ALL ACCESS, here's to your family and friends -- make it a safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Much Love To All!

-- JOEL DENVER President & Publisher, ALL ACCESS

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