Congressmen Ask FCC To Protect Radio/TV Use Of C-Band For Program Delivery



A letter from Reps. TONY CÁRDENAS (D-CA) and ADAM KINZINGER (R-IL) to FCC Chairman AJIT PAI YESTERDAY (1/17) called on the Commission to protect radio and television programming delivery via C-band satellite. 

The Commission is considering allowing wireless broadband services to use the 3.7-4.2 GHz spectrum used by content producers to deliver programming on C-band satellites.  The letter notes that "nearly every television viewer and radio listener depends on C-band spectrum to reliably receive content" and asks, while not opposing additional uses of the spectrum, that the Commission ensure that program suppliers be protected and "made whole for costs incurred" as a result.

The letter drew praise from the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BROADCASTERS, the AMERICAN CABLE ASSOCIATION, NCTA -- THE INTERNET & TELEVISION ASSOCIATION, and NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO, which issued a joint statement thanking the Congressmen "for their support in protecting incumbent C-band users from interference, higher prices or service loss as the FCC considers new uses for the spectrum band. Tens of millions of Americans rely on the C-band to receive news, entertainment, weather and sports content every day. It’s critically important for the FCC to ensure that any changes to C-band spectrum usage must preserve interference-free access to this popular radio and TV content.”

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