Jacobs Media Asks: Is Radio In Jeopardy?


Fred Flips The Script

One of the more creative ways of questioning radio's "same old, same old" way of doing thing comes from JACOBS MEDIA President FRED JACOBS when he rhetorically asks "Is Radio In Jeopardy?"

JACOBS writes about recent “JEOPARDY” hot streak, all time winner JAMES HOLZHAUER.  He's not only super smart but a professional sports gambler having racked up more than $1.3 million over the last 18 shows. 

In defining what's making a difference for this winner, JACOBS noted, "HOLZHAUER has used his gambling acumen and emotional training to 'game the game.'  In much the same way the OAKLAND A's redefined baseball metrics, HOLZHAUER analyzed 'JEOPARDY' and has systematically changed the way the game is played.

"Now, imagine that radio's programming rules could be challenged by an out-of-the-box thinker like HOLZHAUER.  Like on 'JEOPARDY,' consider the rules or 'best practices' have been in place for decades on most stations across the format and market spectrums."

For more on this thought-provoking and challenging think-piece from JACOBS MEDIA, just click here.

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