Tropical Storm Barry's Getting Closer ... And Radio's Ready


Getting Closer

As reported earlier (NET NEWS, 7/11) TROPICAL STORM BARRY continues to gain momentum and the state of LOUISIANA is bracing for the amount of rain it will bring. CNN has reported that the storm is producing 65 mph winds, which is 10 mph less than hurricane strength. 

iHEARTMEDIA Country WNOE/NEW ORLEANS PD ASHLEY WILSON posted on FACEBOOK this morning (7/12), "Don't believe what you are seeing on the national news about NEW ORLEANS. Coastal communities are evacuating. We are doing okay as of right now. BARRY is looking like a rain event, with BATON ROUGE getting most of it."

TOWNSQUARE Top 40/Rhythmic KHXT (HOT 107.9)/LAFAYETTE, LA is prepping for BARRY with latest computer tracks moving the storm further west, putting LAFAYETTE directly in the path of the storm.

KHXT Brand Mgr. DJ DIGITAL told ALL ACCESS that the staff and station is focusing much of their energy on keeping their social media profile high as the storm approaches. If any of the stations in the cluster should lose power, they'll unify programming for the cluster.

More radio reactions to come.

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